“Out My Window Global”-A Chance To Collaborate

Gail Albert Halaban’s Out My Window series is known for intriguing images of across-the-street neighbors. Although the initial appeal is perhaps to the breaking of the window-peeping taboo, the artist writes that it is a study of “…what it means to be a part of a modern community…” and a chance to meet one’s neighbors.

There are interesting neighbors all over the world—how to get to them all? Using video chats and text messages, the artist obtains consent, helps people to connect their computers, and then captures the image from her New York apartment!

If you would like to join this effort, contact your neighbors, get their consent (and their email addresses). Set up a scene that tells a story through the windows, and take 3~5 shots. At least one of the photos should show the neighbors waving, which confirms their consent to participate. Check out the terms at www.outmywindowglobal.com/terms-of-participation, then submit your work via this Google form. Since there are a lot of submissions, you will only get a response if your proposal fits well with the project.

Out My Window-Paris (detail), Bail Albert Halaban, from the artist’s website inviting participation in the project


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