Zoom Updates App To Recognize And Respond ToGestures

The Portland Photographers’ Forum has held a bunch of Zoom meetings over the last few years. If a participant wanted to ask a question, they could click on the “hand” icon to indicate their interest. But the icon is a bit small, easily overlooked, and thus not often used. The participant could just jump in and start talking loudly over the others who had already begun to make a comment. Not very polite, but common in this culture, and often effective.

If your digital camera/computer/smartphone gear is up to snuff, Zoom can now notice when participants raise a hand (or give a “thumb’s up”) and activate the hand-raise icon automatically. It’s supposed to be easier to spot on a busy screen, also. Of course, if you scratch your head or tug on your earlobe, you just might mistakenly trigger a hand-raise. Update your Zoom app and give it a try at the next PPF remote meeting!


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