Monthly Portland Photographers’ Forum Meeting 8/15/2022 7pm PDT On Zoom

August is members' night, please join us Monday, August 15th, at 7 PM on Zoom. Members should already have received their Zoom credentials in an e-mail. If not, please contact the President. Non-members wishing to request a guest pass should also contact the President.

We are delighted to host 3 of our members as our featured speakers:

Julie Moore

"Just Keep Walking"

How small beauties seen and co-created while walking along life’s path, can lead to a healthier & more creative body, mind and spirit. The images presented are a compilation of Julie’s art over the last 10 years, including photography, enhanced lumens & poly-photogravures.

Andrew Greenhill & Larry Greenhill

“Iceland 2021: Two Photographic Styles”

Andrew and Larry Greenhill photographed the same scenes in Iceland during a two week trip and then compared their images by creating a photo magazine. The talk will describe the trip, explain how the creation of a photo magazine enabled a comparison of their two styles, and will finish with a quick viewing of the magazine, Andrew's images on the left pages and Larry's on the right pages. 

Christina Tselnik 

“Painting with light”

There is a lot of variation in what I photograph. At the end of the day, though, all I am really excited about is the light. Light, light, light. What direction is it coming from? What can I see in the shadows? What mood is evoked from the way this light presents itself to me, in this image? Is there a memory that it conjures up? A joy? A fear? Is it hard, and cold? Is it soft and almost buttery? A beautiful photograph, to me, is when the light in the (candid) is captured as I see it...or when the light I have in-studio gives form to a shape as I envision it.

This is an exploration of light, and how we, as photographers, paint with it, shape with it, create with it, and how light gives us the ability to see beautifully.


Monthly Photo Challenge Deadline 8/14/2022 At 5pm PDT


Get To Know: Jamel Shabazz