Exclusive Long Exposure Workshops Available To Portland Photographers’ Forum Members
If you attended the January artist’s talk, you saw Marc Koegel’s wonderful long exposure images. By an exclusive arrangement with PPF, he will teach his Long Exposure Photography course for our members!
March 13, 10am~12:30pm
Long exposure techniques, including settings, exposure times, filters, RAW workflow, conversion to black and white, plus a slideshow with descriptions how each photo was made.
March 217, 10am~12:30pm
Post-processing in depth, including shooting with post-production in mind, advanced B+W conversion, Pixel layers, adjustment layers, smart objects, filters. mimicking a long exposure look with a regular photo, multiple exposure, and intentional camera movement.
The fee for one class is $50, or register for both at $90. Both of the single links below will offer you the option to register for the entire class:
Class #1 March 13: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ppf-seminar-long-exposure-photography-shooting-techniques-marc-koegel-tickets-141885658825
Class #2 March 27: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ppf-seminar-long-exposure-photography-post-processing-techniques-marc-k-tickets-141886421105