Carol Isaak Featured Speaker At October Membership Meeting

We are delighted to host Carol Isaak as our featured speaker (via Zoom), on Monday, October 17th at 7:00 pm.

Carol Isaak is a  photographer whose images, all camera-based, portray a world in layers.  She was born in Trenton, N.J., and received a BFA from Cooper Union, in New York City.  Her images have been shown in many group shows, with one-person exhibits at the Griffin Museum of Photography, twice at Cameraworks Gallery in Portland, at the University of Oregon Law School, and in China at the Lishui (twice), Yixian, Naiman and Shanghai Festivals. 

Her work has been featured on Lenscratch, in Beta Magazine, and in a Chinese publication.  It is also held in public and private collections. 

Pete Gomena called her work Mindscapes. 

This retrospective encompasses an uneven succession of harvesting photos, interrupted by many years of parenting. What the images have in common is a concern for composition over narrative. Always happenstance. Hopefully, surprise. Often the focus involves people or the product of the human hand: architecture, objects, interior spaces. It is always about one click, infrequent post production manipulation. 

Landscape is never a focus of her work. She leaves that to the folks with big cameras. She is not an equipment buff, nor does she pre-visualize.  The work is about her eyes, not about her cameras.

If you are a Portland Photographers’ Forum member, you should already have your Zoom credentials via email. If not, please notify the President, Ray Bidegain.

The meetings are open to the public. If you would like a guest pass to attend, simply notify the president.

Camelman, by Carol Isaak, used with permission


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