12/21/2020 Virtual Holiday Party Details
The annual holiday party goes on! We are planning fun activities, BYO food & drink, etc. In order to award door prizes and conduct the print swap, we will need your help. It’s not required, of course, but it’s more fun when lots of people participate! We are asking members to:
Donate A Door Prize: This can be anything—chocolate, a book, a gift certificate, a photo, you name it! When you join the Zoom meeting you will get a virtual “door prize ticket.” Throughout the evening, we’ll draw tickets out of our virtual hat and award them to party-goers.
Please contact Carol Isaak meijiqueen@gmail.com or Susan Turner susan@susanturner.net about your donations. We will assemble a list of door prizes and the donor's names for the Party. Each person making a donation will deliver the prize to the winner.
Swap-A-Print: Make ready one of your prints and mat it if you can. Send photoforumgallery@gmail.com your name. We will randomly announce a participant’s name, and that person will hold up the print to the Zoom meeting camera. You can use the “chat” function in Zoom to arrange the best way to deliver the print.
Photo by Sarandy Westfall on unSplash