Get To Know: Roman DeGiuli

Some of the PPF members are attracted by rust and decay because close-up that often overlooked detritus can reveal fantastic textures, colors, and at times appear to be large-scale objects. A German photographer/filmmaker, Roman DeGiuli, also zooms in tightly to find similar imaginary real-world scenes, only his subject is hand-made powders, paints, and fluids. He carefully places these on paper and aims the air flow of a fan into the mix. The result is amazingly 3-d high resolution montage stills and 8K videos. Add some music, a little sound design and voilá—an experience!

The detail below really doesn’t do justice, but it shows the beginning of a movie. Powders on the paper, drops of paint carefully placed. Perhaps you can imagine what might happen when the artist adds a tiny breeze and gets extremely close? Click here to see the final result. It took about a year to make.

A Sense Of Scale (detail), Roman DeGiuli, 2022 from the movie posted on Vimeo


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