September 19 Speaker Is Dave Hutt

We are delighted to host Dave Hutt as our featured speaker (via Zoom), on Monday, September 19th at 7:00 pm.

  "I have spent nearly my entire life, probably from grade school onwards, obsessed with image making of one sort or another. I was captivated by photography early on, and began formal studio training in the early '70's. In all those many years since I have earned my living, sometimes in whole, sometimes in part, with cameras and clients. Now entering my 6th decade practicing this craft, I think I'm getting the hang of it. The obsession is tempered somewhat, but the passion for the (now digital) image and the fine print is undiminished. I hope the images in my presentation reflect a bit of that."

Members should already have received their Zoom credentials via email. If you did not, please contact the PPF President, Ray Bidegain at The meeting is open to the public, so non-members may contact the President for a guest pass.


Monthly Photo Challenge Closes on September 19th at 5:00pm


Inspiring Travel Photos