Susan DeWitt Featured Speaker At July Portland Photographers’ Forum Members Meeting

We are delighted to host Susan de Witt as our featured speaker (via Zoom), on Monday, July 18th at 7:00 pm. If you are a Portland Photographers’ Forum member, you should already have received your Zoom credentials via email. If not—or if you would like to request a guest pass—contact the PPF President.

Susan de Witt

Susan was born and raised in Canada. She became interested in photography in the year 2000, and found a good school in Seattle called the Photographic Center Northwest where she studied for four years. She also took numerous workshops from people whose work she admired - Mary Ellen Mark, Tim Rudman, Christopher James and Shelby Lee Adams. After a few years of enjoying documentary photography, the gauzy nostalgic look of Lith printing became her main interest, and she printed all of her images this way for the next 8-10 years in her darkroom. In time, her shooting and printing style gave her work the signature visual appearance that she is known for today. 

A few years after moving to Portland, she decided to close up her darkroom and found new interest in intaglio printmaking. Today she produces all her work as polymer photogravures. 



Instagram: @waffleswins

Magic Wand, Susan DeWitt, used with permission


Monthly Photo Challenge Closes on July 17th at 5:00pm, Theme: “Still Life”, Broadly Interpreted


Two Fondation des Treilles Prizes Now Open