Plan Your Contribution To The New Book
This just in from Pat Welle, Book Group Team leader:
Our theme for this year’s photo book is “A Break in the Clouds.” As the world emerges from a long and difficult period of collective struggle, we as visual artists are eager to resume our photographic journey. We see the storm slowly lifting, offering a much deserved break in the clouds. This longing period of rebirth should incite our creative energies, motivating us to once again venture out and create images bursting with fresh perspective and possibility. We encourage you in the next couple of months to collect and share images for publication that reflect a glimpse of life with renewed strength, hope and optimism.
The 2021 book will again bring together the talent of the members of the Portland Photographers Forum. We look forward to your submissions for the new book! Our goal is to produce the book again in time for a late-fall release. Deadline for submissions will be June 30, 2021.
- Pat Welle, Team Leader, Book Group
Submission Detail
Who can submit: Current PPF Members
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021
Number of Images:
· Each PPF member can submit up to five (5) images, but a maximum of three (3) images per photographer will be printed in the book.
· At least one image of every submitting photographer will be printed.
· PPF book group may choose to not print every image; final selection is at the Book group’s discretion.
Copy / text:
PLEASE include short copy to go with the images; this can be a few sentences, a poem, or short paragraph – PLEASE, more than a title. For example:
· why are these images important to you?
· how do they fit the theme?
· what were you thinking when you were creating them?
Format / size:
Images should be in jpeg format, with 3000 pixels on the long side.
Image naming convention:
LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME-Preferred Order – Optional Title.jpeg
Example: DOE-JOHN-01.jpeg, or DOE-JOHN-02-Title.jpeg
Submit to:, with "Book 2021" in the email subject line.
Photographs do not need to be new work, but we strongly encourage you to create new!
Photo by True Agencyon Unsplash