June Member Presentations Event Needs One More

A reminder from PPF President, Doug Rundel:

”We’re looking for one more member to share their photographs for 20-25 minutes at the June Members’ Night. All members are welcome, but ideally it would be one of you who has never done this.

If you’re feeling shy or unsure of your work, please keep in mind that the act of putting together a selection of photographs, showing them, and listening to comments, is yet another way to learn and advance. Also your work may well be more interesting to all of us than you think.

If this sounds exciting to you, please contact Susan Turner, susan@susanturner.net

Critique Group (detail), painting, by Roger Dolin

Critique Group (detail), painting, by Roger Dolin


Deadline For Entries To 2021 PPF Book Is June 30, 2021


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