Blind Insect Gallery Calls For Work For Holiday Exhibition

This just in via instagram:

“It’s finally here!! The time for the Call for Artists has arrived. We are delighted to announce Blind Insect Gallery's third Holiday Mini Art Exhibition “ART AS POWER". We want to continue to support the arts this holiday season! We are looking for small works from local and multicultural artists who will fill the gallery creating a feast of treasures including paintings, sculptures, woodcarvings, and jewelry, all ready to wear or hang. All artwork can be taken home or shipped right away when purchased.

The call for art is now open!

Open to all US-based artists. Deadline to submit 5 pm on November 4th, 2021.

Artists may submit 3-5 original artworks for consideration. No more than 4 pieces per artist will be chosen for the exhibition. Selected artworks will be displayed on a rotating basis as artwork sells, with a minimum of two artworks by each artist on display at all times (while stock is available). If accepted, artists will be notified by November 11, 2022. Space is limited so we encourage submitting your work as soon as possible. Artists that are already part of the Blind Insect Gallery permanent collection must submit new work, that has not been previously viewed at Blind Insect.

Artwork can be any medium but must fall within the following guidelines: Submitted works must be original artworks no larger than 10” x 10” x 10” (including framing/mounting). The selling artwork price must be $300 or lower per piece. Sales are split 50/50 between artist and gallery.

To submit email submission materials to with the subject heading: Holiday Mini Submission, Last Name, First Name.

Submission Materials:

One image of each submitted work (3-5 works allowed for one artist submission), Jpegs preferred, images must be 300 dpi. Please label artwork image files as follows: LastName.FirstName.Title.Medium.Dimensions.Year.SalePrice
Ex: Smith.Kelly.Surviving 2022.Oil on canvas.2x8x1 inches.2020.200 dollars (please attach your images or put DropBox links or zip files for larger images, please do not embed images in the body of the email)

Artwork info sheet: This should be a word document with the below details on each artwork in the following format:

Artist Name
Artwork Title
Date of creation
Sale price
A brief bio
Links to your website and Instagram


2841 NE Alberta St, Portland OR 97211.

Unattributed illustration accompanying call for work announcement on Instagram


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