New Hallie Ford Gallery Show Features Images From Bill Rhoades Collection
The new exhibition at the Hallie Ford Gallery in Salem, Depth of Field: Selections from the Bill Rhoades Collection of Northwest Photography, is made possible by Mr. Rhoades generous donations of examples of Northwest Art of all kinds over almost a quarter of a century. Curator Jonathan Bucci collaborated with Rhoades to select a wide range of photography for this event. When you visit, you will see early images by Edward Curtis and Imogen Cunningham as well as more recent additions to the collection by Mary Randlett, Michael Kenna, and Robert Adams. Also represented are groups such as Minor White’s Advanced Interim Workshop, the Blue Sky Gallery, and Stu Levy/Steward Harvey’s Portland Photographic Workshop.
January 4 – April 23, 2022 (calendar)
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
700 State St
Salem, OR 97301
—via Luke Olsen’s Portland Photo Event newsletter
Photo for poster (detail) by Fritz Liedtke, from the email announcing the exhibition