Get To Know Sarah Marshall-Seeley
Sarah is a graphic designer/photographer who loves to put elements together to tell a great story. You may have seen her work for Kuni BMW. The Portland Photographers’ Forum hired her to re-design the PPF website last fall. Her extensive technical knowledge and curator’s eye were essential tools for this project, which came in on-time and under budget. I got to know her as the interim volunteer web editor, along with the other members of the website revision team. Those of you who have been on a team like this know that things don’t always go smoothly. But this project was a joy, turned out well, and we all enjoyed each others’ company so much that Sarah become a Photographers’ Forum member. Then she agreed to take the lead in managing the website that she just built! Who said nothing good happened in 2020?
I’m told she assumes her PPF office today. When you get a chance, say ‘hi’ and give her a hearty welcome to the group!
I’m grateful the board gave me a chance to contribute by working on the web site. Even though I was clearly in over my head in many ways, the PPF Board was always patient and supportive while I attempted to make the web app do what we wanted. With Sarah now in the Captain’s chair, I’m looking forward to cutting back on my web work to simply posting News and Events. Send tips and announcements for these two sections to me.