Get To Know: Intisar Abioto

Intisar Abioto describes herself as a writer, dancer, photographer, and multi-disciplinary artist. Born in Memphis, she studied at Wesleyan, and eventually found her way to Portland. She has exhibited/performed her works in dozens of locations (check out her bio.) Abioto received a 2018 Oregon Humanities Emerging Journalists, Community Stories Fellowship for which she began a continuing body of research on the history of artists of African descent in Oregon.

One of her projects, the Black Portlanders, arose from a conversation among Intisar, her mother, and her sisters. Recently, she created a photo mural featured in Willamette Week, BabeSis, Aunts Tenn, Ms. W, Miss Choomby…& in Our Company, which can be seen at Grand and Ash in Southeast Portland.

Photo from Ms. Abioto’s Facebook feed.

Photo from Ms. Abioto’s Facebook feed.


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