Time To Renew Your PPF Membership
The Portland Photographers’ Forum is driven by the photographic interests and creative passion of its 90+ members. We exist to promote creative photography and to spread our enthusiasm for our favorite art form.
Many of our pre-pandemic activities were open to the public, such as the monthly general meetings. These are now Zoom meetings. The Board is working on ways to have socially distanced and masked photo exhibitions, overnight location scoutings, and special training sessions in safer settings and smaller groups. Stay tuned for new developments as conditions change!
Member benefits include:
Special guest lectures
Print exchanges
Blue sky community drawer
Join a like-minded community
Ability to share and collaborate work
Framing discounts
Outings and photo challenges
$ 45.00 per year
Current members should now renew now for 2022. And a big THANK YOU for your membership!
Click here to renew or to join the community.
A pre-pandemic meeting!