Blue Sky Gallery Statement On Recent USA Violence Against Asians

This just in:
”Last week our nation experienced another act of violence committed against the Asian-American community. We condemn these acts of hatred and we mourn the senseless loss of eight lives in Georgia. Our hearts go out to the suffering families and to the AAPI and BIPOC communities in Oregon and around the country. I have written too often this past year of racist violence, and for me, as a bi-racial Asian-American woman, this hits close to home. The increasing xenophobic acts and attitudes cannot and should not be tolerated. To learn more about ways to participate in the on-going fight against racial injustice, please visit these local and national organizations Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Hate is a Virus, AAPI Women Lead.

In a rather heart-breaking twist, our programs this week, speak to violence in our country. Art and dialogue are steps to education and action. We hope you will join us.

Molly Newgard, Executive Director”
Blue Sky Gallery

Illustration from the Blue Sky Gallery events registration web page

Illustration from the Blue Sky Gallery events registration web page


Call For Entries: see|me “Nurture/Nature”, Deadline 5/14/21


Free “Holistic Photographer ReBoot And ReBalance” Class Online 3/25